Thursday, January 27, 2011

Update ~

I just bought this yesterday
Okay or not this 1?
Actually got people told me to get Sutra or something~ I don't know how to spell it
The one Justin Bieber is wearing
But duhh I don't really like that kind of shoes maybe
And it's for dancers :P
So ahem I'll just stick with Converse :)

Last night went out again without any plans
I'm really sorry for someone :(
But uhh just wanna share last night with everyone

Once again we went to One Jaya
But this time with a purpose of cause
Allen wanted to buy some shirts :)
Actually there were some shirts I really like, I mean the cuting
But I don't really like the pattern on it ~_~

2 epic stare at the mirror

I really love this picture haha
Don't know why
Looked so cute :D
And don't you guys agree that Dui looked so hot with that hairstyle?
The right guy~
Seriously I think he looked so sexy with that hairstyle
But unfortunately he just did rebonding today
Sorry no pictures! :(
No more sexy spiky funky looking hair !

And ... And... Next

Dui's drunken pose
We went to Travilion after that
Nothing special about it though
It was empty, we were the only one there XD

Oh yeah there's a video which shows Dui and Vaz dancing on the empty dance floor and its really priceless
Imagine 2 guys getting high(well, not really) on the dance floor + the club is empty
Haha but I don't think I'm gonna upload the video here
Ask from me personally :P

Not gonna write more for now
And I'm actually eating while writing this

My mom's homemade chicken rice!
Yummy :D
Nom nom nom
Tata guys!

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