Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekends! [28.1.2011] & [29.1.2011]


Aahh that day was suppose to be a short outing
But ended up spending the whole day outside ... doing crap! hahaha

Had our lunch with Wendy, Christina and their friends at Life Cafe
Picked everyone with my almighty Alza, full house lol!
Spent like 2hours there due to some reason
Then guess where we go next?

One Jaya ~
But yes
Went there and spent the whole afternoon there
Some really priceless moment! Unfortunately no pictures or video! >
Lots of silly things done by them
Seriously laughing can be really tiring when you're NOT laughing at things that make sense
Btw I'm hunted by a *Cough* guy *Cough*
Not going to write too much about it though

Went to umm I don't know what is it called but in Chinese it's called 新公园 ( I think ) next
It was around 6pm
Sunset time! Weeeeeeeeeee
The coziness :3
But the walking and the sweat ruined it~ Damn!

Some pictures in the playground

My model for this blog ==!
bo bien mah~ He likes to take pi
cture! hahaha
Standing high makes them looked awesome ==


Getting his "baby" bitten again
Ahh the KL memories! haha
Animals just love his meat :P First it was camel now it's a buaya

And this is us saving Vaz from the evil buaya
Ahh I know we're lame
But boredom made us do everything

Some random walking picture

Look at the nice environment :P

Went back when the night was getting dark
Btw the park is haunted omg

Had our dinner
Blah blah blah
Then we were planning to go to Vaz's house and taste his homemade food
But the guard refused to let us in when we reached the house
Duh~ So ended up going to Dui's house + Eating biscuits from Vaz

(Aiyo a bit lazy want write liaw, gonna make this shorter )
Went out with my darling :)
Just me and her
Walao my voice kept on cracking last night
She kept laugh at me
But seriously I didn't eat , that's why! *Cough*!

Allen them come over to meet me when Yinggy went home
We watched the movie Shaolin
A really meaningful movie
Some really touching scene too
I recommend it :D

Superstar ^^

Haha was too bored so ended up doing crap again while Allen was busy queu
ing in the line at Ta Kiong~

Went down to the carpark level
Discussed some plan and ended up going to cyber and finished the night

Dui: 我会像蜻蜓吗??

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